Is 172423177 a prime number?
It is possible to find out using mathematical methods whether a given integer is a prime number or not.
Yes, 172 423 177 is a prime number.
Indeed, the definition of a prime numbers is to have exactly two distinct positive divisors, 1 and itself. A number is a divisor of another number when the remainder of Euclid’s division of the second one by the first one is zero. Concerning the number 172 423 177, the only two divisors are 1 and 172 423 177. Therefore 172 423 177 is a prime number.
As a consequence, 172 423 177 is only a multiple of 1 and 172 423 177.
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Since 172423177 is a prime number, 172423177 is also a deficient number, that is to say 172423177 is a natural integer that is strictly larger than the sum of its proper divisors, i.e., the divisors of 172423177 without 172423177 itself (that is 1, by definition!).